
bonjour paris meklifises.

Hey gorgeous, i want to tell you something..............happy saturday doh ;) k as i said, i will update my blog like once a week, so here it is! ok, this week, i have so many homework, as tall as eiffel tower. i want to go to paris, so i decided nak save money with my friends now. so when i grow up, i can use the money! i want to go with my friends- Yayaminasyasya, my bestfriends till i die'! and yesterday.. someone datang.. she said 'i want to go i want to go too but please belanja me' and i was like 'oklaa'. want to know who? nurlisahasrizal. kekeke. and.. i want to go to china! i dont know why because china ada chopstick. geeee:D i want to tell a story, not long not short.

What i want for 2012?
hurm. i dont want much, just to get 5a's in every exams especially upsr.. and i want to go to paris with my friends,, and one more.. this is important.. i want my friends think im a good friend :'( because i love my friends, if there's no yayaminasyasya and more, my world like there's no sunlight, rainbow, moon and star. just rain rain rain rain and rain. i dont want anybody else in this world except friends :) friends are like my rainbow because everytime i see the rainbow, i think about my friends and i wish i can go up there and play the rainbow-slide with my bestfriends :') how sweet is that. so, whenever i need yayaminasyasya. they'll always there beside me.. i always laugh with them, i always happy with them :''') auww, there is no one can make me happy except my bestfriends. hihihi but sometimes, im too hyper with them..

Emm so, i made some questions for me.. first is

Who Is The most kindly, creative, friendly and suka ketawa ?.
Ok, yang tu i'll choose Nur Aliya because she's kind and she is so creative! she can make everythin with her creative ideas! she's friendly because dia senang nk happy and kdg kdg senang nk explain betul2 why she blablabla. emm dia suka ketawa sebab everytime mina bagi dia lawak, dia akan gelak hahaha dlm satu kelas, lepastu semua org pelik tengok kat dia. without her, there's no i got lembu nak jaga, itik, ayam, dinosour, kerbau and fruit :D

Who Is The most funny, crazy and bodohah XD ?
Ok hihihi confirm Wan Zatil Amalina because she's so funny gila!!!! kalau korang dengar lawak jenakanya korang mesti gelak sampai perut nak pecah! and then dia macam , dia buat lawak, orang suka hahaha hahaha hahaha, tapi dia tak faham lepastu dia tanya diri dia 'bila masa pulak saya buat lawak eh?' HAHAHA! she's crazy pulak sebab dia ni mcm bodohah, sebab bila dia cakap something, terus dia gelak sebab entah. and then macam alaaa susah nak cakap XD if there's no her, there's no cow moo moo moo. XD you'll understand someday :)

Who is the most talkative, kpoper, ber aku cow moo ?
Ergh well, spe tak kenal Syasya Aqilah *kalau dia baca mesti dia tepuk dada* hahaha, ok dia talkative sebab semasa ke semasa dia akan cakap, but sometimes, dia nk menunjuk yg org tak nak XD hahaha pastu dia macam annoying lah, macam 'MU NOK GAPO' lepastu dia suka kate 'SO WHAT'. but i dont care, hanya sabar -_-' k dia ni crazed kpop fans, setiap hari sy akan dengan myungsoo la l.joe la itu la ini la bosan tau tak. and then dia suka ber aku cow moo sebab dia selalu cakap aku cow. entah XD hahaha ok..

dah! sy dh jawab, puas dah mengenali kawan kawan sy? jgn nak rampas diorang pulak sudah sebab kalau korang rampas, sy ape lagi tiap hari tiap malam menangis doe, macam org putus cinta lepastu kalau korang rampas kan, sy macam makan tak kenyang, mandi tak basah, tidur tak lena k. so dont take my friends away from me! if not i will tell everyone yg awk ni perampasers! oh berani ya! awk hate sy? argh sy lgi hate awk MORE AND MORE AND MORE AND MORE. k sorry bye. and.. I dont want anything for 2012, just friendship, sy tak nak sape sape u mean sape sape! SAPE SAPE tu kot!!!! so faham faham je la. SIAPA SIAPA PUN. tak kira lah dia anak raja ke anak artis ke anak org kaya ke i dont care, all i want is my ITIK AYAM KERBAU and dont forget me DINOSOUR XD hahaha bye assalamualaikum. tak jawab dosa peace. my friends are more than anything like greyson, selena, ka&aa and so whatever. :P sorry for being to gedik :)

btw, amalin my friend kan, abang dia kawin dengan natasha hudson :D

Thanks Yous! follow gak eh :)


Syasya Aqilah binti Shukri said...

Oiit. Sdp teh kecek psl org. Tau lha im famous! *tepuk dada*

Omnom Dinosaurawr said...

Ish, haha :P k i dont know what to say. bye