

Assalamualaikum and hello guys! I'm back! wow~ it's about 4 weeks loh me not update. sorry. wuuhuu. wtv. emm i want to tell you about my results. waaa. i only got 4A 1B. but itshokay. hmm, ok..i got B in Mathematics. aiyaa. counting counting maa. from 98% to 76%. argh. argh. but thanks Ya Allah! I got A in Science.. woot woot. i'm so happy! but A 80% je. tak macam awak. macam scientist kan. hmm. kita tau la. hmm...and BMK, BMP, English syukur la because got A. but really tak puas hati dengan markah mathematicsku. adoiyaa~ nevermind lah. I promise k nanti UBB3 sy akan buat yang lebih baik dari UBB2. from 3A's to 4A's and I hope this UBB3 5A's.....dah...habis pasal results...pasal Justin Bieber pulak...hehe...tengok tu kat atas.. Auw, Justin is so cute :3 but you know, Greyson is cuter, gahaha. I'm in love with Justin's new song 'Boyfriend'. did you watch the music video? erk. it's yucks. but i love the song! i love the lyrics. woot woot. hahaha. okay I want to sleep maa~ it's already 2:00 am...hmm...bubye!

Thanks Yous! follow gak eh :)

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