

Hey peeps! wazzup? haha. so how's your holiday? amazing? same as me, you know, this holiday i went to KidZania, and it was sooo awesome! you guys should go there too! wait, you don't know about KidZania? huh ._. kk, i'll give you a video about KidZania, after you watch the video, you'll know about KidZania,.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fymAyFHDTy0 << TADA!! awesome right? I know lah you didnt watch the video kan, teehee ._. 

This holiday is the worst march-holiday you know, I got selsema! and that's not cool at all. when I go there and there, I always 'HAAAAAACUMM'. err, that's make my nose red. My house 'kehabisan tissue' because of me, my stupid selsema! yoo please go away you stupid selsema! and thanks to Syasya, disebabkan kamu lah kita selsema! God Bless You Always! >.< lain kali, bila dah tahu selsema, jangan datang sekolah please, berjangkit ni acum acum. 

And well, today is the last day lah kita cuti, esok sekolah, and my homework, tak siap lagi, awesome, buat homework last minute, so you guys please don't be like me, yeah, jangan sesekali buat homework last minute like me! k seriously, i hate homeworks, but thanks, i only have ONE homework, but kalau dah nampak ONE, bukan kira sikit ye, ONE pun banyak cikgu suruh buat, hmm *muka pura2 letih*, and me just makan ubat so I feel soooo sleepy, macam mn nk buat homework ni! >.< I dont wanna go to school tomorrow lol. soo, happy buka sekolah all, jangan nangis weyy, May cuti lagi tau! ;D bye assalamualaikum tak jawab dosa kalau jawab, SAAAAAAYAAAAAAANG!

Thanks Yous! follow gak eh :)

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